
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A friend: Someone asked me once "Who is Sujesha"...The tone was bit rural types and it sounded like "Who is Su jaisa"...and obviously the answer was no one...And yet another obvious thing was that the listener got baffled..


Sunday, August 8, 2010

My tryst with Religion & Atheism

Ever since I can remember, our family has had an inclination towards spirituality, and a belief in God. My dad, though never a regular to temples unlike devout Hindus, always advocated that "God was One". So, irrespective of religion, he did believe in God. Maybe it is more apt to say that he believed in "all gods", and believed that all religions essentially teach the same, and that all religions are a way to reach God, etc, etc, etc, but there I digress.

The point I am trying to bring forth is that my parents, and hence our family, were believers. We had faith in some higher power that had caused our existence. Of course, we didnt find it necessary to visit temples to re-assert our faith in Him, because we also believed that "He was everywhere".

Cut to April 2010, when my dad passed away due to a (multiple?) massive heart attack(s). It was like a bolt of lightening out of the blue (pun unintended). So many hopes, wishes and dreams lay unfulfilled. Try as I may, I could think of no explanation why his end had to be that way. Many "why" questions arose (or threatened to arise but were throttled?) in my mind. But I never spoke them aloud, knowing fully well that "Anything that is born, will die someday." I tried to accept the incident, as just a fact of life. However, a question that soon accompanied was, "So now, what is my belief in God?". I had asked myself that question for the first time, in so many years. I had never before fully weighed that question in my head - it had just been an accepted fact of life for so long. And now, it felt as if my beliefs in God were shaking.

Still struggling to find a mid-way somewhere, an explanation that would make sense, an explanation that could tell once and for all, one way or the other. Perhaps it would make the loss a bit more bearable? But considering that these questions have been eluding philosophers for centuries, I do not know how probable it is, that I would strike gold in this pursuit.